What is your shipping policy?

Bladeswelove provides free shipping on all USA shipped items.

Most items will be shipped USPS 1st Class tracked.  I typically wrap the knife box with a sheet of paper, then wrap that in a 12 x 12 bubble wrap and tape it up tight.  That then goes inside a nice box which is taped securely shut.

We take pride in the speed of our shipping and the quality of  our packaging.  Depending on the time of day we try and ship the same day or 1st thing the following morning.  We hand deliver all our knives to the front desk at the Post Office and have them scanned in.

If you want to add signature confirmation the cost is $2.5o.  Priority would be an additional $3.50 and UPS ground is an extra $7

Can I send a knife or parts in to be customized?

Of course!  Please drop me a message to discuss the price and possibilities.  Once you are ready to ship, print out the order form « and include the form in  the package.  Ship to the address below

Steve Davies
757 Big Horn Ave.
Sheridan, Wy 82801

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